Month of Elk

Young Bull Elk.

                    “Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall
                    never be disappointed.”  Alexander Pope, 1688-1744.

Autumn gives birth to winter and I love its drastic and profound change.  Elk is a big sign of change, up here in the mountains.  As soon as they start hanging out around the house I know the snow is soon to follow.  I see elk as natural leaders, teachers and are highly intuitive.  Being extremely wise and strong-headed, they help other creatures find their way.  They can help us too, if we learn from their ways.  Much like wolves, elk are very sensitive, and their bugeled songs are a musical salve, soothing to the soul. 

By living in the ways of the elk, we can utilize our right-brained creativity for survival, and the left hemisphere of our brains to decipher our innermost thoughts to make the most of our lives.  In this way we can also help others. 

                    “We make a living by what we get, we make a
                    life by what we give.”  Sir Winston Churchill.

Now is the time for intense loving and expressing love in creative ways.  We should never be pushy about it, but a little kindness goes a very long way.  This is also a great time to make some much-needed major changes in our own lives.  Many others will benefit from these changes as well.  Hidden within our own hearts are many of the answers we need.  Right now it is imperative to keep our physical and emotional health in tact, so do whatever it takes, as long as you remain just and true. 

No matter what religion we follow, remember none of us are ever alone.  The universe is filled with the energy of love and it’s perfectly alright to tap into it, just don’t forget to put a little back in as often as you can.  Meditation and contemplation are also very helpful tools at this time.

                    “There are four questions of value in life…What
                    is sacred?  Of what is the spirit made?  What is
                    worth living for, and what is worth dying for?
                    The answer to each is the same.  Only love.”
                                                                             Actor, Johnny Depp.

Copyright 2010, by Suzie Ashby.
Photograph Copyright 2010, My Family Photos.  All Rights Reserved.