
It seems to be three balls of solid light, pale pink in color.


A couple of years ago, my oldest brother went to the old Phillip Sutton property in Southern Indiana, seeking any signs of old family graves.  Searching genealogical records for ancestors on my mother’s side of the family has been a painstaking process.  Not having any luck searching death and burial records, or cemetery records we continued coming up short on   grave sites for three important familial links.

He described the property as very beautiful and lush.  He walked around for hours looking for signs of old graves, but spotted nothing.  This was during the day and he was not using the flash while taking the pictures.  The entire time he was snapping digital photographs of anything and everything of interest to him.  His eyes never fell upon any lights at any time during this exploration, being a nature nut like me he was just happily clicking away.

At one point he came across a natural opening in the trees and shrubs which led into a small clearing of sorts.  Part of him felt compelled to venture inside and take pictures, another part said it was time to leave.  Before turning away, he paused just long enough to take four or five shots of this small clearing, looking through its opening.  A few days went by before he actually had time to sit down and look at the photographs.  Out of the ones he had taken of this intriguing little clearing just one of them (this one) had what appears to be three pinkish light orbs in it.

Neither of us know enough to say these are actually orbs.  I thought perhaps I would show them to all of you and hope that I get a lot of great feedback.  I need honest opinions to share with my brother, so please do not be shy.

I know such things are often called orbs, ghost lights, foo fighters, will-o the-wisps, St. Elmo’s Fire and ball lightning.  I also read that out of the large number of orbs which are reported, only about 10 percent are considered to actually be paranormal phenomena.

I thank any and all who want to give this their best guess.  My brother and I will both be very grateful.

Copyright 2010, by Suzie Ashby.  All Rights Reserved.
Photograph Copyright 2010, K. Ashby.  All Rights Reserved.